The exhibition features a wide variety of work, some of which was produced by members during society workshops and outings, as well as personal work often featuring many other pastimes or hobbies our members get involved in.

So, please do visit our exhibition which is free to enter and now on in the Queens Hall (Monday–Saturday (10am–12pm | 1 - 4pm) until the 1st June 2024; hopefully you will be inspired to pick up your camera or smartphone to try some ideas of your own.

You may even be inspired to join us! If you are joining the Society for the first time, you can take advantage of a special 50% discount on the normal membership fee of £60, which is available for the duration of the exhibition, by registering online here.

Exhibition 2024

Members exhibition open evening 2024.

Many thannks to all members who have contributed images to make this exhibition possible but also special thanks to Dominic Smith at the Queen's Hall for advising on, helping to curate and leading the installation of the exhibition, which is probably the most professional photographic exhibition we have ever held.