On meeting, a brief introduction with some tips was provided by the group leader Kevin Hilton, who explained that Close-up photography of fungi can be a rewarding and fascinating endeavour. Capturing the intricate details and textures requires attention to both the technical and creative aspects of photography.” Following this, the hunt commenced for interesting flora amongst the decaying undergrowth leaves’ littering the forest floor.

The overcast conditions on the day helped avoid issues with harsh shadows and blown highlights, some of the results from members can be seen in the gallery below:

If you are inspired to have a try, here are some suggestions of things to consider:

  • For close up photography a true macro lens with a 1:1 magnification ratio or greater, although desirable is not essential, many cameras these days are supplied with lens that often support focusing close up.
  • A tripod is useful to provide a steady platform to avoid camera shake in low light conditions, they can also make focus easier to acquire and maintain. In addition, a tripod can be useful to assist in framing up a composition, allowing experimentation with different angles and perspectives.

As demonstrated by Nevil who really did get right down to the fungi's level as can be seen below:

Photography flat out

  • A remote shutter release can be useful when using slow shutter speeds in order to avoid camera shake.
  • Try using a reflector or white foam board to bounce light back onto the subject and reduce shadows.
  • Think about the subject within the environment: Mushrooms in their natural habitat, surrounded by leaves, moss, or fallen twigs, can add depth and context to your shots.
  • Pay attention to the background. A cluttered or distracting background can take away from the main subject. Try to find a clean, unobtrusive backdrop, sometimes a black card as a background can be a useful tool to isolate subjects from background distractions.