For obvious reasons, the events of 2020 disrupted Hexham Photographic Society's regular activities, although meetings did continue online via Zoom. In addition, Gerry Stephens who was President at the time set a "Covid Challenge" for members to produce images around the home & garden or during their daily walk. The gallery below shows the images produced by members between March to June 2020:


1 Virus Memories 1 Val Johnston
10 Construction Halted at Woodland Rise - Dave Strother
11 Spending Time in the Garden - Angus Reid
12 Learning a New Lanuage - Angus Reid
13 On Line Wine Tasting - Lesley Leyland
14 Socially Distanced Parking with Rainbow - Lesley Layland
15 Postcard from the Lockdown - Dave Best
16 The Mask of Sorrow - Dave Best
17 Mask for Assistance - Kevin Hilton
18 Flour Arrangement - Kevin Hilton
19 Lock Down Harvest Festival - Dave Tuck
2 Virus Memories 2 Val Johnston
20 DIY Tree Surgery with Improvised PPE - Dave Tuck
21 Beaumont Street - Bob Turner
22 Captain Tom - Bob Turner
22 PPE Maker - George Ledger
24 Mr Funshine - George Ledger
25 The Invaders
26 Lockdown is an empty Car - Peter Newman
27 Across the great Devide - Graham Bradshaw
28 16 Bar Lockdown Blues - Grahsm Bradshaw
29 Neil Denham
3 Isolation Val Johnston
30 Neil Denham
31 Beginning - Ralph Wrighton
32 End - Ralph Wrighton
33 John Austin
34 Dipton Mill Inn - John Austin
35 We Noticed Small Things - Rosemary Bowyer
38 F11 - Gerry Stephens
4 Isolation - Sue Lee
5 Has the fog cleared yet - Barbara Austin
6 Nature Does Not Stop for the Virus- Barbara Austin
7 Stay at Home - Mike Ward
8 Making Masks - Mike Ward
9 Elaine's Swewing for the fontline NHS and Care Homes - Dave Strother
And Time Moved by in Floweres - Rosemary Bowyer
Lockdown - Gerry Stephens
Thank You NHS John Cole